Friday, November 6, 2009


Do you wish to continue on this blog?
-May be...

Have you run out of things to say?
-Quite on the contrary. I have so much to say, that I don’t know where to start from.

So are you saying, you are going to write, not going to write... which one is it, I’m confused!
-Well, I guess I am just saying that I’m not going to write for sometime... But I guess I’ll come back...

-But why this hiatus?
a) Well, the hiatus, started quite some time back... so this is just a formal declaration
b) I’m busy... genuinely, really, really busy
c) Nobody visits my blog anymore, what’s the point :(

-Are you unhappy?
Why do you say that? No, I’m not. Don’t go by my puppy face. :) I’m happy. Yes, not excitedly happy, but very calmly happy.

-Any reason for this formal declaration?
Well, I didn’t want, my last post to be called ‘Confusion to Conclusion’... I wanted it to be called ‘Conclusion’. So here it is...

The conclusion. (Shuts the laptop, walks to the window, and lights a cigarette)


Gaurav Parab said...

I visit your blog. There you are, now crush that cigarette and start writing again.

sukruta said...

loved reading every post... though i have my favourites :)

Polo said...

conclusion :(
n even i visit ur blog..not fair to d loyal few..
n as for stuff to sure thr's so much to write that u mite hav lost track of some of them for sure!!

Joe said...

I read it this should not be ur last post

Rana Speaks said...

.....abar bochhor kuri por

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!